Digit DP is a technique used to solve problems that asks you to find the number of integers within a range that satisfies some property based on the digits of the integers.
Typically, the ranges are between large integers (such as between and ), so looping through each integer and checking if it satisfies the given property is too slow.
Digit DP uses the digits of the integers to quickly count the number of integers with the given property in the range of integers.
Below is the example to count the total number of digit 1 appearing in all integers from the range of low to high.
The DP state will be dp(index, tight, count)
class Solution:
def countDigitOne(self, n: int) -> int:
s = str(n)
N = len(s)
digits = list(map(int, s))
def dp(index, tight, count):
if index == N:
return count
limit = digits[index] if tight else 9
res = 0
for digit in range(limit + 1):
res += dp(index + 1, tight and digit == digits[index], count + 1 if digit == 1 else count)
return res
return dp(0, True, 0)
Depends on the problems, sometimes the variables such as isLeading, isZero will need to be included in the DP state.
More examples
Count the Number of Powerful Integers
class Solution:
def numberOfPowerfulInt(self, start: int, finish: int, maxDigits: int, s: str) -> int:
s = list(map(int, s))
def f(num):
digits = list(map(int, str(num)))
N = len(digits)
def dp(index, tight, suffixIndex):
if index == N: return int(suffixIndex == len(s))
limit = min(digits[index], maxDigits) if tight else maxDigits
res = 0
for digit in range(limit + 1):
nxtTight = tight and digits[index] == digit
if index + len(s) < N:
res += dp(index + 1, nxtTight, 0)
if digit == s[suffixIndex]:
res += dp(index + 1, nxtTight, suffixIndex + 1)
return res
return dp(0, True, 0)
return f(finish) - f(start - 1)
Count number of unique digits
class Solution:
def countNumbersWithUniqueDigits(self, n: int) -%3E int:
if n == 0: return 1
n = (10 ** n) - 1
digits = []
while n > 0:
digits.append(n % 10)
n //= 10
N = len(digits)
def dp(pos, tight, mask):
if pos == N:
return 1
limit = digits[pos] if tight else 9
res = 0
for i in range(0, limit + 1):
if mask & (1 << i) > 0: continue
nextTight = tight and i == digits[pos]
nextMask = mask if i == 0 and mask == 0 else mask ^ (1 << i)
res += dp(pos + 1, nextTight, nextMask)
return res
return dp(0, True, 0)
- Time complexity:
- Space complexity: , where d is the maximum number of digits given